An update on my father
An update on my Dad
Dad's condition has declined significantly in the last few years. You can find some updates about him on our Facebook page.
His illness has made him incredibly frail. He's very confused now, unsteady on his feet and doesn't really make much sense when we speak to him. I don't want to go into too much detail but you can imagine how things are. The good thing is that he's still being cared for at home (through the strength of my mother and support of some great carers) and on the main he's very happy. In the rare moments that he does make sense, he still asks when we are going to the club.
I'm conflicted about how much I reveal about my father's illness - as it's his illness and I respect his privacy. But I also acknowledge that it's important for us to share about the day-to-day care. So many people do not know the impact dementia can have on individuals and families. Wider society has little idea about what goes on behind the closed doors of a dementia household, until they have had to go through something similar. Often many families caring for loved ones become isolated - life revolves around the care routine and there can be little time to breathe or raise their voices at the badly resourced care-sector.
But despite how challenging some days can be, there are plenty of moments that make it worthwhile.
I am so grateful that Songaminute happened, leading us to finally record two Big Band albums that Dad dreamed about. Who would have thought in the dark days of Dad's illness when we were boxed-in with aggression, that a drive in the car would lead to him recording two albums with some top class musicians?
Anyway, like I say, Dad is happy.
So keep singing - life's too short.
With thanks, Simon.